Information on the website: www.wordgame.64g.ru
Metalinguistics of letters and words in
human speech.
Metaphysical formulas of alphabets.
Nominal identifiers of people and numbers in numerology.
Except for word forming game on pages of website
www.wordgame.64g.ru there are concepts of metalinguistics which
allows to consider letters not only as alphabetic signs but as
metaphysical elements of human speech.
In particular sacral azbuka of Slavic Cyrillic alphabet is
deciphered. Also Slavic alphabetic signs are compared to contemporary letters
and metaphysical formula of modern Russian alphabet.
And Russian letters are compared to phonemes of English language. That
allows to correlate metaphysical formula of Russian alphabetic signs to letters
of English alphabet.
Numerical systems of some ancient and contemporary alphabets are
resulted, namely ratio of letters with numbers of duodecimal numerology are
Table for transformations of numbers of duodecimal numerology in
decimal numerical signs is given.
Information about gematria of words is resulted, namely geometrical
perception of words in numerology.
Spectral parameters of colors for vowel letters of Russian alphabet are
shown. Also there is gallery where it is possible to see images
according to which names of people form color pictures in geometrical space.
There are word puzzles or conundrums which can be carried out by means
of alphabetic playing cards with letters on game board, and which can be considered as mantic operations as a result of which predictions
of words
can be formed.
There is information on numerical word meanings which can be calculated
according to numerological numbers of not only letters but also of sounds and
phonemes of human speech.
There are comparisons of phonemes in English language with letters of
Russian alphabet. That allows to calculate numbers of English words and
numerical meanings of human names in context of duodecimal numerology.
There are methods for calculations of human names according to num
integers and digits of numbers in numerology. Also psychological
meanings which correspond with names and surnames of people, or other nominal
identifiers (nominees) of human personality.
Gods of Vedic mythology and sounds of speech.
Names of people and metaphysical sense of letters in alphabets.
Numbers in numerology and astrology.
Also on pages of website www.wordgame.64g.ru there is information on parities of gods in Vedic mythology with astrological signs of zodiac, numbers in numerology and sounds of human speech, that allows by means of numerological calculations to realize metaphysical sense of names in comparison with characteristics of deities who are known in ancient texts of Vedas. |
Information on phonetic structures of contemporary Russian alphabet and
pantheon of 33 gods in Vedic mythology. Namely heavenly and atmospheric and terrestrial gods
are compared to 20 consonant and 11 vowel letters,
and twins Ashvins are compared to firm and soft signs, that in the sum
corresponds with 33 letters of contemporary Russian alphabet.
And Russian letters are compared to phonemes of English language,
that allows to correlate gods of Vedic mythology with
English alphabetic symbols.
Terrestrial and atmospheric gods personify nine numbers in numerology
within magic square. Heavenly gods personify zodiac signs and planets in
astrology. Also Vedic gods possess qualities of light, that is
comparable to phonetic parameters of speech sounds.
In total sounds of human speech are compared with zodiac signs and
planets, with numerological numbers and characteristics of gods
according to information which is known in texts of Vedas. And in
aggregate divine name YAHWE or JEHOVAH or tetragrammaton YHWH is
compared to letters and sounds of human speech according to parities of
alphabetic signs and phonemes with gods of Vedic mythology.
Besides methods of numerological calculations which allow to
compare names of people to characteristics of gods.
Circular matrixes of letters and numbers.
Metaphysical codes of alphabets.
Numerology and geometrical ratio of gods.
Also on pages of website www.wordgame.64g.ru
there are circular matrixes of letters and numerological numbers
according to which alphabets are constructed. And in particular circular
matrixes of Phoenician, Jewish, Greek, Latin (English), Slavic,
contemporary Russian alphabets are shown, and accordingly there are
comparisons of letters in the listed alphabetic circular geometrical
shapes with numbers of decimal and duodecimal and octal numerologies.
Namely comparisons of letters in ancient and contemporary
derivative alphabets within geometrical matrixes which have different
quantity of concentric circles and numerical axes. Also geometrical ratio of phonetic values and philosophical meanings of letters within circular linguistic matrixes, that is basic principle according to which alphabets are constructed. |
Besides ratios of letters and alphabetic signs in circular matrixes with days
of week and time of lunar month; with seven-year periods of astrological planet Uranus and major arcana of Tarot; with the
cycle Tzolkin in calendar of Maya and with pantheon of gods in Vedic
Ratio of hieroglyphs in calendar of Maya with letters of Russian alphabet and
gods of Vedic mythology.
And Russian letters are compared to phonemes of English language, that
allows to correlate hieroglyphs in calendar of Maya with English
Information about cycle Haab in calendar of Maya and sign system of Phaistos Disc,
also other time systems of ancient world.
Parities of letters with names of gods of Ancient Greece.
Metaphysical codes according to which names of mythological
gods are ciphered in geometrical ratio of letters in ancient and contemporary
Letters which symbolize geometrical ratio of divine Trinity in the circular
matrix of Slavic Cyrillic alphabet.
Names of archangels who are five elements of divine essence and who correspond
with metaphysical coordinates of God in circular
numerological matrixes of alphabets.
I hope that information on metalinguistics of human speech
and ratio of letters with names of gods will be interesting!
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© S.L.Panphilov.