Information on website: www.numeralgame.64g.ru.
Address of my online blog for conversations about rules of mathematical games with numbers, also intellectual conundrums and puzzles on a chess-board, also different themes for discussions about numerology.
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Pages of website www.numeralgame.64g.ru
represent intellectual mathematical game which allows to use numbers on
a chess-board as chessmen or checkers, but applying rules in which criterion of gaming interaction
are mathematical actions or various numerical ratios. Namely gamers move playing numerical cards on squares of a chess-board as chessmen or checkers, and mathematical ratios of numbers with arithmetic actions determine course of game or process of conundrum. Various variants of rules and instructions for huge quantity of mathematical games, or arithmetic intellectual conundrums and puzzles can be feasible. On pages of this website there are PDF files which have images of playing cards for mathematical game with numbers, also pictures of chess-boards which can be downloaded as suitable for printing on home printers. It is possible to make numerical cards of cardboard and paper, and to play. Also in PDF files there are detail rules and instructions for various variants of mathematical games and numerical conundrums. In total gaming manual contains instructions and rules with information on 50 math games and digital conundrums in which numbers are similar to chessmen which move on squares of chess-boards according to mathematical actions and arithmetic numerical ratios. |
The set of mathematical game with numbers has some variants of numerical cards
which are organized according to different digital principles.
Big variant of mathematical game has100 playing cards with numbers from 0
to 99 for gaming on the hundred-square chess-board with numerical designations
of verticals and horizontals from 0 to 9.
Small variant of mathematical game has playing cards with numbers from 0
to 33 in two decks, also checker-board which has 64 squares as for chess figures.
Playing numerical cards of this variant have digital designations which allow two players
to distinguish two decks, and to have numbers on a chess-board in initial game
positions as chessmen.
Variant of mathematical game with inverse numbers has chess-board of 72 squares, also 36+36=72
numerical playing cards in two decks where numbers are organized according to special mathematical rules
which provide realization of original games and conundrums by peculiar digital ratios.
Numerical cards of mathematical game with inverse numbers too have digital designations which
allow to distinguish two decks and to have numbers on squares of playing board as chessmen.
In total three variants of gaming set allow to carry out mathematical
games or arithmetic conundrums, also gamers can play with numbers as by chessmen with equal odds to win,
because numerical cards in decks are distributed on proportional digital groups.
Also look information about hexagonal cards with numbers on pages of website www.en.artgame64.ru.
Mantic numerical cards and numerological calendars.
Principles of redictive numerology.
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Besides on pages of website www.numeralgame.64g.ru
there are information about mantic numerical cards which are intended for predictions and
forecasts in the context of predictive numerology. Design feature of mantic cards is combination of numerological numbers with especial digital symbols which are named as "tritetragrams". These digital symbols are similar to mathematical numbers but are original numerical marks which are known in the Chinese Canon of Supreme Mystery or sign system of Tai Xuan Jing. Also design feature of mantic numerical cards is coordination of numbers and squares of game board with linear and nonlinear positions within magic square, that is necessary for predictions and forecasts in the context of predictive numerology. In PDF file there are available images of mantic numerical cards and pictures of magic board for printing in format A4 on home printers, also rules and instructions which allow to carry out numerological prediction and forecast. Or gamers by means of mantic numerical cards on magic playing boards can play mathematical games and solve intellectual puzzles or digital logic conundrums. |
Together with information about Chinese sign system of Tai Xuan Jing or Canon
of Supreme Mystery on pages of website numeralgame.64g.ru
there are methods for numerological calculations of time and spatial coordinates.
Various calendar systems which are organized according to numbers in numerology.
Digital methods of chronological calculations according to ancient calendars and
observation of stars.
Ratio of human ages with numbers in numerology.
Ratio of numerological numbers with solar and lunar calendars of ancient Egypt.
Ratio of nine numerological numbers with seven-day and seven-year time periods
in ancient calendars.
Ratio of numerological numbers with astronomical rotation of the Earth and
chronology of hour dial, also geodetic lines of the planet Earth.
The resulted information allows to forecast and predict events by means of
mantic numerical cards on magic game boards, also allows to correlate results of
predictions to dates of various calendars and chronological systems of time in
the context of predictive numerology.
Pythagorean numerology and Greek mythology.
Nine numbers and images of mythological gods.
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Also pages of website www.numeralgame.64g.ru
have information about esoteric concept or mystical conceptions of
Pythagorean numerology and mythology of Ancient Greece. About ratio of numbers in Pythagorean numerology with images of mythological gods of Ancient Greece. About origin of ethereal space and physical reality of universe according to concepts of Greek mythology. About central position in magic square of numerological number five and Greek mythological goddess Athena who is equivalent to Sophia of Divine Knowledge or Luminous Epinoia of Light in the context of Gnostic Christian philosophy. About parities of celestial titans of Greek mythology with astrological signs of zodiac and planets. About five primary potentialities of universe and generation of mythological gods of Olympic pantheon of Ancient Greece. About primary adolescents of Chaos and descendants of Gaia. About ratio of numbers in Pythagorean numerology with letters of alphabet and names of people. |
The presented information allows by means of mathematical calculations to correlate letters of alphabet with numerological numbers and to speak about characters of people according to ratio of numerical values in names with images of mythological gods of Ancient Greece.
Numerology and analytical psychology.
Mythological images of gods and psychological types.
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Also pages of website www.numeralgame.64g.ru
have information about ratio of psychological types of analytical
psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, or typology of Myers-Briggs and socionics of Augustinavichjute
with numbers in numerology and images of gods of Greek mythology. About ratio of numerological numbers and mythological gods with psychophysical orientations of human personality, namely with attributes of introversion and extraversion. About ratio of numerological numbers and mythological gods of Ancient Greece with global categories of universe and mental functions according to which people perceive world reality. About parities of sixteen psychological types of human personality with names and images of mythological gods of Olympic pantheon of Ancient Greece and numbers in magic square of Pythagorean numerology. |
I hope that offered intellectual mathematical game with numerical cards on a
chess-board will be entertaining, also information about numerology of
Pythagorean numbers and mythological deities of Ancient Greece will be interesting!
Pages of website www.numeralgame.64g.ru are open and free-of-charge but
nevertheless PDF files should be paid by online electronic payments.
Or make one direct hyperlink on my site about mathematical game with numbers instead of payment.
Also I shall be rather grateful for free-of-charge translations of this website
pages into German and French, or languages of other countries in world wide web.
© S.L.Panphilov.